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4 Reasons Gravity Retaining Walls Are Ideal for Residential Properties

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Retaining walls are put in place to prevent soil from moving, create level areas that maximize available space, and reduce slopes. They are often used in the gardens of residential properties, and there are several options to consider. Before you start choosing materials and other design features, you need to decide on the right type of retaining wall. For most residential properties, gravity retaining walls are going to make the most sense.

Gravity retaining walls are designed to resist pressure through their weight alone. They are made from heavy materials that use mass to provide lateral stability. Here are just four reasons they're usually ideal for residential outdoor spaces.

1. Inexpensive and Simple

The gravity retaining wall is the most simple type. Since stability comes from their weight, they are extremely simple to build, requiring little in the way of labour or complex machinery. In fact, gravity retaining walls are often built in very remote areas since they can be made from locally available materials. This means a gravity retaining wall is almost certainly going to be the most cost-effective option. Since they can be erected so fast, they also help get your outside space back to normal as soon as possible.

2. Fitting Style

Though many old retaining walls in remote areas can be made from local rock, most gravity retaining walls in modern residences will be made from brick masonry. This provides a more attractive appearance than other options, such as gabions or concrete, and one that is likely to fit with the rest of your property. You can even use the same bricks for other changes to your outdoor space, such as the addition of steps or flower beds, in order to achieve a uniform appearance.

3. Minimal Footprint

One reason retaining walls are added to residential properties is to increase the amount of useable outdoor space, so it makes sense to keep this in mind when considering types of retaining walls. Gravity retaining walls make sense in this regard since they don't take up much space or require any ground beyond the wall's footprint to be excavated.

4. Appropriate Reinforcement

When you look at different types of retaining walls, you might notice that other options can offer greater reinforcement. However, it's worth keeping in mind that most residential retaining walls don't need such strength. Gravity retaining walls can usually only be built a few metres high before being considered unstable, but your home's outside space is very unlikely to require such a high wall. It simply doesn't make sense to build a stronger wall than you really need when a gravity retaining wall can already do the job. 

For more info about brick retaining walls, contact a local company. 
