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How to Store Building Supplies

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This article provides you with some top tips relating to the storage of building supplies.

1. Keep supplies dry

First, you must store them in a dry place. Ideally, this will be inside. When supplies such as untreated wood are left outside in the rain, it warps and buckles as it absorbs moisture. Bags of cement that get wet can also spoil. If you need to store items outside temporarily, you should ensure they are adequately covered using a tarp.

2. Avoid punctures or scratches

When storing building supplies, one of the most important things to keep in mind is that you want them to be safe and protected. You'll want to protect building materials from punctures or scratches. Some good options include using a sheet of cardboard, bubble wrap, or a tarp as a bottom layer on the pallet. Doing this will help to protect against damage.

3. Stack items in the right order

It's also crucial that you secure all materials properly when storing building supplies. In the rush to unload, some contractors make the mistake of stacking heavier items directly on top of lighter ones which can result in serious damage. When stacking items always build a base using heavier material with lighter materials on top.

4. Secure the site

Building supplies are valuable so you need to keep them secure. When storing building supplies, you want to ensure the door to the storage area is secured with a padlock or deadbolted door.

5. Use pallets

Pallets help to lift materials off the ground. Being on a raised platform helps to protect building materials from damage caused by damp, ground frost, and pests. A pallet also provides a stable base on which your building supplies can rest which will help to reduce the risk that they will topple over once stacked. When you are ready to transport the material to the building site, storing things on pallets also makes it super easy to load items onto the back of a truck using a forklift truck.

6. Store additional supplies

Finally, when storing building supplies, you must have at least one pallet with additional supplies stored on top of it. You can use this extra coverage space to keep backing up all of the other materials if they become damaged or stolen. This will give you a fresh supply for your project so you aren't left scrambling for materials that are too difficult to find in the future.

For more information, contact a building supplies company. A member of the team will be happy to provide you with more info about how best to store the various products they sell.
